How to get involved

HAKAM welcomes the support of members of the public via membershipvolunteering for our initiatives, participating in our activities, internships with us, and through donations and sponsorship for our programmes and forums. 1

Help us make a difference!

Quote by Nelson Mandela
Quote by Nelson Mandela


Membership to HAKAM is open to all citizens of Malaysia who are aged eighteen years and above. Membership fee is RM10-00 per year, and membership is renewable on an annual basis.

Eligible candidates are invited to apply by downloading our membership application form, and returning a completed & signed copy, along with your payment by cheque or money order made out to “Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia“, by post to the address printed on our form.

Members who wish to renew their membership with HAKAM should download and return a completed & signed membership renewal form along with your payment by cheque or money order made out to “Persatuan Kebangsaan Hak Asasi Manusia“, by post to the address printed on our form.

Please be advised that all applications received by us will be processed as soon as possible, and that you will be informed in due course on an outcome.

Please email us at info[at] on all inquiries regarding membership.


Do you wish you can do more to help defend human rights in Malaysia? Consider volunteering for any of our initiatives. We welcome assistance in organising, research, fund-raising and various other functions. Talk to us!

Have a look at our list of current initiatives and drop us an email at info[at] to inquire after or volunteer for one or more initiative.


Interested in issues on human rights in Malaysia but don’t have time to volunteers for our initiatives? Then consider just attending and participating in our events.

View our list of upcoming events.


HAKAM offers short-term internships to eligible candidates. Please express interests to intern with us by email to info[at] and we will contact you to discuss eligibility criteria and terms with you privately.


Please forward interests to donate to HAKAM or to sponsor HAKAM’s initiatives by email to info[at] and we will discuss options with you privately.